19. November 2015 /DO/ 19_30 h
Baustelle Kalk, Kalk-Mülheimer Straße 124, KölnVintage Modularsynthesizer
Yoshio Machida & Constantin Papageorgiadis (aka Trap & Zoid)
LCDrone (Laura Sicault & Constantin Papageorgiadis
Kai Niggemann
Yoshio Machida & Constantin Papageorgiadis (aka Trap & Zoid)
vintage modular synthesizer EMS SYNTHI AKS
LCDrone (Laura Sicault & Constantin Papageorgiadisaka (aka Trap & Zoid)
Kai Niggemann (Paradeiser Productions) –
LiveModularsynthesizer (Buchla 200e) und Fieldrecordings, Geräuschchor, selbst
gebauten Klangerzeugern und akustischen Instrumenten, …
This evening is entirely dedicated to showcasing the sounds and improvisations that come exclusively from modular synths. The artists for this edition are Japanese artist Yoshio Machida, German Kai Niggemann, two Belgian acts Trap & Zoid and LCDrone. To complete the evening all artists will join together for a stunning jam session.
Constantin Papageorgiadis aka Trap & Zoid und Yoshio Machida arbeiten mit den seltenen Vintage Modular Synthesizern von EMS SYNTHI AKS. Sie werden einen Synthi 100 spielen und ein spezielles Interface zwischen zwei Synthesizern, das von Papageorgiadis gebaut wurde. Während Machida sein Instrument als Rhythmusmaschine versteht und damit Pattern kreiert, beginnt Trap & Zoid bei Null und baut progressiv einen einzigen evolutionären Strang, um den Synthi zu unterstützen.
Kai Niggemann
arbeitet mit Buchla Modularsynthesizer und Fieldrecordings, Geräuschchor, selbst gebauten Klangerzeugern und akustischen Instrumenten, leitet das Theaterlabel “PARADEISER productions” zusammen mit Ruth Schultz, ist Mitglied von “The Dorf”, improvisiert mit “Great Big Noise” und gründete das Internet-Computermusik- “European Bridges Ensemble” (EBE) sowie das elektroakustische Duo “Resonator” mit. Er performt solo und mit Partner*innen, hat einen Lehrauftrag an der Kunstakademie Münster und gibt Musik-Elektronik-Workshops (“Löten unter Aufsicht”).
Yoshio Machida (JP)
is well-known as an electronics artist and steelpan player. In his later work he focusses more on the use of analog modular synths which resulted in his latest solo album ‚Music from the SYNTHI‘ on French label Baskaru in 2014. The album was made using only his SYNTHI AKS, without any effects and outboards, displaying a very organic sound. Using the flexibility and characteristics of SYNTHI, he improvises contemporary rythmic patterns, glith, clicks… without any usage and sounds from a computer. Machida studied minimal art, music and film at the Tama Art University. In the 1990s, Machida worked for an international cooperation in Asia and Africa. Machida’s first album Hypernatural (1999) had been featured with Brian Eno and Oval (band) on David Toop’s article about Generative music. In 2001, Machida started to play improvised music by Steelpan with computer program Max/MSP. In 2004, Machida founded an experimental music label Amorfon.
After playing rock’n’roll bass and upright bass for 20 years, Constantin Papageorgiadis is today a well-known figure in the EMS Synthi world, on both musical and technical sides. He serviced tens of EMS instruments, including the IPEM’s rare Synthi 100 in Ghent, and imagined an original way to expand their features that was great success and led him to be on regular and friendly touch with numerous Synthi users from around the world. He recently released a vinyl and uses to perform with his favorite suitcase as a one-human electronic solo project named Trap&Zoid. His live approach is to start from nothing, progressively create a single evolutive patch and support the Synthi through it. No computer, no preset, no cheating. Trap & Zoid recently released a new vinyl solo album ‚Synthi Lag‘ which can be purchased at.
LCDrone (BE) (various modular synths)
From Belgium we present to you the duo LCDrone. Enjoy the raw live sound of Laura Sicault and Constantin Papageorgiadis – aka Trap&Zoid, her SEM, his Synthis, some other gear (no computer of course!), a few effects and weird inspiration… You’ll be suprised of the end result!
Veranstalter: freies rheinland e.V. und Kulturabteilung der Stadt Pulheim in Zusammenarbeit mit der Baustelle Kalk
Kurator: Georg Dietzler
Raumklänge – Ortsbezogene Musik wird gefördert im Rahmen der regionalen Kulturpolitik NRW, vom Ministerium für Familie, Kinder, Jugend, Kultur und Sport des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, Kunststiftung NRW, Konzert des Deutschen Musikrates.