26. August 2015 / 19 h / Mi

27.–31. August 2015/ 16–19 h / Do–Mo
ON-Büro (Alte Feuerwache, Gebäude Branddirektion, 1. Stock)
Melchiorstr 3, Köln

Baumklangstudien Zimmer Köln 2015
The Eden3 – Plein Aire Project, Sound of a Tree


Chris Malcolm: Sound design, Software Programmierung

Einheimische Laubbäume, Licht, Landschaftsstaffelei mit Computertechnik und Lautsprecher

Dieses Hörstudienzimmer ist seit 2008 ein künstlerisch-wissenschaftliches Forschungsprojekt über das Hörbar machen von Pflanzenklängen. Photosynthese, Temperatur- sowie Schwankungen des CO2/Kohlendioxid Laubbaum-Feuchtigkeitsaustausches werden mittels Sensoren und Software zu Computermusik.

The Eden3 – Plein Aire project is a five year artist-led, climate-change research initiative. In simplest terms our intention is to provide a ‘mind/body experience’ of trees by attending to the sound of physiological reaction (photosynthesis and transpiration) as one leaf adjusts to the day to day changes (rush hour traffic, crowds of people) in ground level atmospheric chemistry in cities. Physiological data is transposed into sound through computer software. We have chosen sound for its aesthetic purity with the goal to hear the trees more clearly as they react to changes in CO2, Temperature and Humidity. The initial system is called ‘Plein Air’, a stable single platform system that embraces the portable easel, as a metaphor for the historic practice of open air painting. Where Millet extended the idea of landscape to peasants working in the fields and the impressionists examined the phenomenological exchange between light and material; Goto extends an interest and the intent to seek empathic exchange with the trees themselves. At the same time, recent work with the system raises questions about what we expect to ‘hear’ when we listen to nature, as it reacts to intense inputs of carbon dioxide?  / Text: Tim Collins

The project documentation can be found at:

Tim Collins and Reiko Goto are environmental artists, researchers and authors working together since 1985. Over the last fifteen years they have sustained a research-based approach to art that has focused on the aesthetic conditions of the public realm with specific attention to environmental systems such as rivers, forests, and landscapes. The primary themes that inform the research began with the ethical and aesthetic entanglements found in ecological restoration, which brought them to ideas about the emancipation of natural systems from the constraints of industrial culture. This has led to new ideas about empathy between human and non-human entities. Relevant themes are primarily pursued in situ, attending to landscape and ecosystem conditions as well as the culture, policies and activities that shape it. The empathic approach embraces individual living things in nature; working through ideas of subjectivity and subject – object relationships. /

Chris Malcolm is a Scottish programming professional with over fifteen years of experience developing vector graphic software for demanding industry clients. He also has an extensive background in experimental music using his programming skills to develop tools and instruments for studio and live performance.  Malcolm is recognized within the electronic music scene for his use of retro-computers and consoles to generate 8 bit audio and visual experiences. He is particularly interested in ‘chip-tunes’, which are centered around synthesizer chips that were integrated into older computers and video consoles in the 1980’s; long before the onset of CD quality audio.

VISUAL SOUNDS – Bioakustische Musik lädt ein zu Blicken auf Natur und Naturklänge. Nicht hörbare physikalische sowie biochemische Reaktionen von Pflanzen und Insekten werden mittels Elektronik und Computer-Software hörbar.

Artist-researchers exploring insects and plant physiology as audio-visual concerts and installations. Sonifications by computer and electronics that reveal the non-audible processes of our natural world.


Visual Sounds ist Teil der Plattformen für künstlerische Produktion. Diese werden gefördert durch das Ministerium für Familie, Kinder, Jugend, Kultur und Sport des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen und die RheinEnergie Stiftung Kultur. Sie finden statt im Rahmen von ON – Neue Musik Köln, gefördert durch die Stadt Köln.
Veranstalter: ON – Neue Musik Köln e. V. // Kurator: Georg Dietzler