RK: Corpus callosum

5. November 2013
Dienstag – 20:30 h
Alte Feuerwache Ausstellungshalle, Melchiorstr. 3. Köln

Tribute to Phill Niblock

PHILL_A6_S1-20_RZ.inddEintritt: 10 EUR

If, Bwana (Al Margolis)
Laptop and custom made electronic instruments

Anna Homler
Voice and toy-instruments

Joker Nies
Custom made electronic instruments

Georg Wissel
(Prepared) saxophones a.o.

Obwohl die Vier in wechslenden Konstellationen schon zusammen gearbeitet haben, stellen sie erstmals ein Programm vor mit Solo, Duo, Trio und Quartett. Alle sind erfahren mit ihrem Instrumentarium zu ihren Mitspielern Dialoge aufzubauen, mal abstrakt, mal poetisch zu spielen.

All four musicians have worked together, but first time with a program of solo, duo, trio and quartetts.
But even more than this, the ability of changing roles by adopting different attitudes in their playing is a very special characteristic in the collaboration of these musicians. Due to a kind of an invisible corpus callosum all are capable to produce sounds referring as well to pure frequency and sound structures, as to a communicative and narrative approach including bizar melodies. Clichés relating on the ‘emotional’ or ‘technical’ character of their instruments are getting obsolete.

Veranstalter: Kulturabteilung der Stadt Pulheim und freies rheinland e.V. /Georg Dietzler
Programmauswahl:  Phill Niblock, Harald Kimmig und Georg Dietzler